Student Research Enquiries

We receive a large quantity of enquires from students wishing to conduct surveys, interviews or similar to use as part of their academic research. While we are flattered that you wish to speak with us, the time you expect from us is not is not part of our normal day to day operations and business model. This is a form of professional consultancy and therefore we charge a fee.  

Our shop hours are in place to assist our customers first and foremost. We ask that you do not make an unsolicited visit in person to conduct your research. You will be politely turned away and redirected towards this web page. 

Please take time to read the various links listed under 'Our Story' before you make contact with us so you fully understand what we do and don't do. For example, we source our stock from trusted suppliers, we do not design any of our products in house. You can make an enquiry via email using the 'Contact Us' page clearly outlining what course you are doing, what you wish to discuss, and the outcome you wish to obtain. 

Our preference is to answer your interview questions in written form. In other words you email us a list of questions and we reply to those questions in writing. This way, we can take time to compose our answers succinctly, and you can quote us correctly. We are likely to turn down in-person and video link interviews. We charge £60 per interview or per hour if you're requiring any form of back and forth correspondence for our time and knowledge. An invoice will be sent to you and should be paid in full before we send our response. 

If you are a teacher/tutor/lecturer and wish for us to speak to your students in a group setting, please enquire using the same channels. A different fee will be applied depending on what you need from us.