Reality in 2020…. perhaps not a comforting prospect. There’s no denying that reality this year has been hard-hitting and stressful. But as the season turns, and we are embracing #SecondHandSeptember, we would like to think about how we can help you to make reality a bit easier, a bit more fun.
There are those for whom shopping for vintage / second-hand / pre-loved clothing is the dream. Fantastic at rifling through rails, these people have a magic touch when it comes to finding the perfect fabric, an unusual shape or cut, the ideal nostalgic vibe. As a result, these people (and their kids) can look stylish and one-of-a-kind, and enjoy the feelings of wellbeing that we all experience when our pleasures are not damaging the earth (our key focus at Apparel Xchange). But those folk probably rarely have a little person continually tugging at their sleeve as they hunt for retro t-shirts… or a parent with them who just doesn’t get it. Family shopping can be great, of course… but it can also be stressful, tiring and a pinch point for tempers and disappointments. Add in the complexities of shopping and social distancing and you have something that might have sounded like fun, but in reality is just a bit overwhelming.
We can help! We’d like to introduce you to Virtual Reality, in the Apparel Xchange mode. Here’s what we would like to offer:
· You get to cosy up on the sofa with your young person and have a good chat about style – what clothes do they enjoy wearing? What colours? Fabrics? Styles?
· As you’re chatting, you start making a list of what you can see they need, and what they know they want.
· You set a budget.
· Get in touch with us! We make these chats and dreams into reality, in the form of a package of clothes that will come through your door a week later.
How it works:
1. You send us the list that comes out of the chat you had in the comfort of your home, together with your budget (we can do packages at £10, £15, £20, or we can help you set your own price point). Start telling us the colours, styles, and specific garments you’re looking for. We can give you a call to chat a bit more. From this consultation we get a sense of your personal style and needs.
2. We take on the mission, dashing about in our shop pulling things out, pairing things together, hunting down hidden gems, all in the sizes you need.
3. We take photos of all the things that we think chime with your list of wants and needs and ping these over to you. We can send photos, or we can set up a zoom/conference call.
4. Time for another chatty cup of tea together as you go through the photos / take a call and settle on the things you love. We’ll hold these items for you for up to 4 days.
5. You send payment over by BACS or Paypal.
6. We package them up for you in an enticing parcel and send it on its way.
7. You receive a little pile of garments that have been specially chosen, just for your family. Garments that don’t cost the earth (literally), that you can feel good about for their style and practicality and for their values of renewal and fabric care. And they arrive in your home without any shopping flusters, hangry episodes, or exhausting treks.
AXC Virtual Reality: a shopping experience that brings you stylish, unique clothing choices while putting kindness and care at the top of the list, for you, your family and the planet’s communities.
If this sounds like your kind of reality, get in touch through our social media channels, or by email at We’d love to help you get started!