The content of this blog is likely to include a mix of business development, working with schools and partners, supporting marketing and most importantly your views, experiences and feedback to influence how we develop as a social enterprise.
During the summer of 2017, I committed to set up this social business to really change the way we use school uniforms. There are several threads to the business but the first focus has been to work with schools to reach their communities of parents and children. We have provided the opportunity for Glasgow schools taking part in our trials to donate old unwanted uniform with the intention of re-selling the items or recycling them.
Over the last few months of 2018 ApparelXchange has been working with 4 schools, which has been a great experience. We have engaged with parents at the parent teacher evenings, provided collections of uniforms and done a uniform sale at a Spring sale. This has all provided lots of learning to shape how we work with schools. More on these individual school projects to follow. Plus we have secured support from First Port and the Climate KIC Business Accelerator programme, both are investing in testing and developing the concepts and plans of ApparelXchange.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch using the contact form on the website with any questions. izzie@apparelxchange.co.uk
I look forward to hearing from you,
#schooluniformreuse #schooluniformrecycling #socialenterprise